„With a shimmering, shimmering tone and sensitive brilliance“ - Lisa Batiashvili at the Berliner Philharmonie

Batiashvili 3 ©Sammy Hart

Lisa Batiashvili performed Johannes Brahms' Violin Concerto with the Berliner Philharmoniker under Daniel Harding at the Berliner Philharmonie on 26 and 27 April 2020. She concluded her residency with the Berliner Philharmoniker with wonderful concerts:

"Lisa Batiashvili, artist in residence with the Philharmoniker, then uses her tremendously substantial low notes and seductively singing high notes to master the solo part in Brahms' Violin Concerto." (Tagesspiegel, 27/04/2024, Udo Badek)

"She performs the following Busoni cadenza with a shimmering, shimmering tone and sensitive brilliance, placing a special focus on the quiet tones." (bachtrack.com, 28/04/2024, Svenja Koch)

"Her interpretation of Ferruccio Busoni's cadenza for violinists was exceptional, proving that she is currently one of the best violinists in the world and is characterised by the beauty of her sound in her own unmistakable way." (alpeadriakulttour.blogspot.com 27/04/2024, Vincenzo Delle Donne)

"Batiashvili placed her technical perfection entirely at the service of the music, which she experienced intimately in all its facets, both virtuoso and lyrical. And with a wonderfully colourful tone that flatters the ear in the most wonderful way. [...] The 45-year-old floats effortlessly over all cliffs, her fingers darting across the fingerboard with somnambulistic assurance." (klassik-begeistert.de, 27.04.2024, Kirsten Liese)

"Her full violin tone, which she elicits from her marvellous instrument, a violin from 1739 by Joseph Guarneri "del Gesú", is large and incredibly differentiated. She confidently fulfils the highest demands of the difficult work in terms of purity of tone and expressiveness, as well as the light moods of the work, which is related to Brahms' Second Symphony and combines romantic sensibility with a classical sense of form. She makes her violin sing with great feeling; passion, joy, occasionally a little melancholy and also tenderness characterise this interpretation, which is in wonderful harmony with the conductor and orchestra." (rauchenwald-classic.com 29.04.2024, Thomas Rauchenwald)

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