Philippe Jaroussky and Le Concert de la Loge on tour with "Forgotten Arias"

Philippe Jaroussky, Concert de la Loge, Konzerthaus Dortmund © Oliver Hitzegrad

Philippe Jaroussky and Le Concert de la Loge on tour in Germany with "Forgotten Arias"

Philippe Jaroussky, Concert de la Loge, Konzerthaus Dortmund © Oliver Hitzegrad

Philippe Jaroussky and Le Concert de la Loge were on tour in Germany in November. They played on 7.11. in Munich, on 13.11. in Hamburg, 15.11. in Dresden and on 22.11. in Dortmund.

Read some reports in the press here:

Süddeutsche Zeitung from 08.11.2023

Fireworks of coloraturas

from Klaus Kalchschmid

"I wonder if the castrato received as much applause at the Munich premiere in 1764 as Jaroussky did now?"

"What supple phrasing, what dreamlike, beautiful piano that moves you to tears!"

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Online Merker from 14.11.2023

Finest vocal art

from Jan Krobot

"All the advantages of the orchestra, established by the first violinist in 2015, are clearly manifested here: a delightfully warm resonance from the strings, impeccable wind instruments, virtuoso flutes, and a distinctly defined yet never exaggerated sound."

"Jaroussky's voice truly shines in this setting: an exceptionally dynamic voice with sparkling highs, impeccable lows, an unparalleled technique, and breathtaking virtuosity."

"In the aria 'Siam navi all'onde algenti' from Andrea Bernasconi's (1706-1784) L'Olimpiade, Jaroussky splendidly succeeds in translating the imagery into music with his profound musicality."


Dresdner neueste Nachrichten from 17.11.2023

The Dresden Music Festival's special concert with Philippe Jaroussky

from Wolfram Quellmalz

"Philippe Jaroussky didn't shine with his high notes, which he had initially approached with strength in Johann Adolf Hasse's Demofoonte, but rather with graceful melodic runs and moments of pause."

"His gentle timbre, especially, welcomed the latter, gaining flexibility and ultimately convincing with leaps in tone."

"Concert de la Loge provided dramaturgical flair beyond mere accompaniment, reaching down to the subtly shimmering horns or letting emotions unleash in the wild tremolo."

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Sächsische Zeitung

Ghosts, furies, enthusiasm

From Jens-Uwe Sommerschuh

"He changed tempi organically, impressed with suppleness and subtle expression, and set expressive accents with care."

"The splendid chamber orchestra with its founder Julien Chauvin at the first violin stand offered grandiose samples of late baroque vigor and elegance here and also in the instrumental pieces."

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Online Musik Magazin
Unbekannte Barockperlen
fromThomas Molke

"Jaroussky excels with a warm vocal coloration that appears richer and darker than what we are accustomed to from his earlier years."

"Even as Jaroussky's voice has taken on a somewhat darker hue, he continues to impress with his exceptional technique. In this concert, he reveals the latent Baroque gems tucked away in the archives."

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Ruhr Nachrichten

A kaleidoscope of emotional worlds

from Julia Gaß

"Even in the first arias from Hasse's opera Demofoote, Jaroussky shows how quickly he can switch between affects and how well he can portray them."

"The 20 musicians carried this kaleidoscope of emotional worlds that the singer spread out on period instruments with great verve."


Westfälischer Anzeiger from 25.11.2023

Philippe Jaroussky sings in Konzerthaus

from Edda Breski

"It is the domain of countertenor Philippe Jaroussky, the effortless monarch in the realm of emotions and coloratura."

"Jaroussky didn't attempt to vie with the theatrical orchestra; instead, he infused tension into the swelling and diminishing phrases, occasionally emphasizing the word 'terror,' creating moments of abrupt, eruptive terror. Outstanding."


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