Charm is French for magic


Charm is French for magic


"What Philippe Jaroussky and Thibaut Garcia present - songs from Europe and South America, by Francis Poulenc, Franz Schubert, Enrique Granados or Ariel Ramírez - resembles a miracle: in delicacy, intimacy and at the same time theatrical expressiveness and passion."

"When Jaroussky launches into Dowland's "In Darkness let me dwell", it is as if the voice is actually wafting into the chamber music hall from a distant darkness."

"Apart from the simple fact that he is very good-looking, Thibaut Garcia is a beguiling guitar player, but not a ramp sow, but rather someone who pushes forward out of silence, out of restraint, then grips decisively and thus appears all the more forceful."

(25.01.2024, Udo Badelt, Tagesspiegel)


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