The Elbphilharmonie becomes a theatre stage

Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg - Julia Lezhneva und Adam Fischer © Claudia Höhne

Julia Lezhneva is a regular guest at the Hamburg State Opera and yesterday she gave her acclaimed debut with the Philharmonic State Orchestra under the baton of Adam Fischer in a mantinée. The "Elbphilharmonie becomes a theatre stage" wrote the Hamburger Abendblatt. Furthermore: "Lezhneva demonstrated just how soulful she is at the beginning of the concert with Haydn's "Scena di Berenice". The singer traces the emotional fluctuations of the Egyptian princess down to the finest nuance, with an impressive range, colouratura and pianos in which she takes full risks." The concert will be repeated tonight and is already sold out. Read the full article here.

Photo: Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg - Julia Lezhneva und Adam Fischer © Claudia Höhne

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