„Musical brilliance“ - Lisa Batiashvili with the Berliner Philharmoniker in Baden-Baden

Batiashvili 2 ©Sammy Hart

On 29 March and 1 April 2024, Lisa Batiashvili performed Sibelius' Violin Concerto at the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden. With the Berliner Philharmoniker under Kirill Petrenko, she delighted audiences and press alike:

"The first bars sounded elegantly and finely spun, then Batiashvili drew the melodic lines of the Allegro moderato with crystal-clear bowing and the almost unearthly beauty of the cantilenas. Her instrument sounded uniquely soft, warm, the notes flowed incredibly round and colourful, the violinist played the variable cadenza with breathtaking brilliance without losing herself in the striking." (Online Merker, 30.03.2024, Gerhard Hoffmann)

"Batiashvili's danse macabre, as the composer himself dubbed it, was heard in exuberant ecstasy, glowing expressivity and charismatic intensity; the intelligent artist unleashed a brilliant firework display of colour in dialogue with the elite orchestra at bizarre intervals during the Allegro ma non tanto." (Online Merker, 30.03.2024, Gerhard Hoffmann)

"Batiashvili's violin playing, which on this evening is the proverbial needle in the haystack of musical brilliance, leads through the emotional landscape of the work with a clarity and depth that is breathtaking." (Wochenblatt Reporter, 30.03.2024, Marko Cirkovic)

"Lisa Batiashvili, whose presence and playing dominate the stage, navigates the technical challenges and emotional depths of the concerto with an ease and subtlety that only true masters of their craft can display. Her ability to show a certain roughness in the third movement without losing the musical line gives her violin a voice that ranges from deep character to sharp, almost cutting notes in the high register." (Wochenblatt Reporter, 30/03/2024, Marko Cirkovic)

"Before the interval, there was a performance of the Sibelius Violin Concerto that is rarely heard. Lisa Batiashvili, one of the world's best violinists, was on top form: she played the incredibly difficult solo part with an ease that made you forget everything technical. Runs, double stops, octaves: perfect; and - this is important - the entire performance was enriched by a high degree of glowing warmth." (Klassik begeistert, 06.04.2024, Dr Brian Cooper)

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