Much cheering and applause for Alexander Gadjiev

Alexander Gadjiev was a guest of the Bergische Symphoniker for the first time and was allowed to open the concerts (on 14 January in Solingen, 15 January in Remscheid and 17 January in Mühlheim a. d. Ruhr) with Beethoven's ‘Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 4 in G major op. 58’ under the baton of Daniel Huppert and received much applause for his interpretation.
‘The piano did not dominate the foreground as a solo instrument, but rather began an almost timid dialogue with the orchestra, which was then taken up by the strings. This dialogue continued throughout the three movements with lyrical grace.’ (...) ‘With his two encores, Alexander Gadjiev literally swept the audience off their feet before they bid him farewell once again with cheers and loud applause.’ Read the full article here.