„Masters of the Baroque“ - Giuliano Carmignola and Concerto Köln in Koblenz

The concert had to be postponed twice - but now the Koblenz audience was finally able to enjoy the concert by Giuliano Carmignola and the Concerto Köln in the Rhein-Mosel-Halle on 14 October 2022. In the programme, the musicians had works by dall'Abaco, Avison, J.S. Bach and Marcello:
"Carmignola and Concerto Köln don't have to win a race for the snappiest interpretation there - instead, they focus on a tonally round cosmos that guarantees great audibility of the voices without ever getting into mechanical execution." (Rhein-Zeitung Koblenz, 17.10.2022)
„The mere fact that the 15-member ensemble does not sit behind music stands, but rather standing, without a conductor, breathing along with the accents of the concertmaster and soloist, resonating and thus becoming an energetic collective, makes the evening remarkable". (Rhein-Zeitung Koblenz, 17.10.2022)
"The fact that Carmignola and Hirasaki have been familiar with each other for years - the current concertmaster of Concerto Köln was once his student - is noticeable and pays off: Their musical dialogue in Bach's double concerto, the sometimes equal, then again competing sometimes on an equal footing, sometimes competing with each other, takes on almost dance-like characteristics, which are underlined by Carmignola's typical occasional stamping of the foot". (Rhein-Zeitung Koblenz, 17.10.2022)
Concerto Köln 2 ©Harald Hoffmann -
Giuliano Garmignola (c) Anna Carmignola