Evening of superlatives: Raphaela Gromes and Adam Hickox

(c) Gregor Hohenberg

The Stuttgart Philharmonic's master concert with the award-winning cellist Raphaela Gromes under the direction of the up-and-coming conductor Adam Hickox was an evening of superlatives.

"The exceptional musician Raphaela Gromes turned Robert Schumann's Cello Concerto in A minor into a musical delight.

Playing with devotion, the internationally acclaimed artist merged with her instrument by the famous violin maker Carlo Bergonzi."


Full article here

(27.01.2025, Südkurier, Ina Klietz)


“Raphaela Gromes (...) traced the moods, formulated elegantly, sensitively and with luminous impetus. (...)

After the interval, it was the “Poème for cello and orchestra” by the little-known Henriëtte Bosmans (...) with which Gromes once again exhibited the powerful suppleness of her (...)  singing cello tone, her at times attentively gentle, then again grippingly energetic stroke and her lustful meandering through ludicrous tone garlands. Thoughtfulness, coquetry, cantabile sensuality - all of this tapped directly into the deepest bowels of the soul when listening.”

(24.01.2025 Die Rheinpfalz, Gertie Pohlit)

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