Enthusiastically celebrated - Alexander Gadjiev in Padua

Alexander Gadjiev © Andrej Grilc

Alexander Gadjiev opened the 68th season of the Amici della Musica di Padova on 8 October with the following programme:
György Ligeti: Musica ricercata n. 1 and 2; John Corigliano: Fantasia su un Ostinato; Ludwig van Beethoven: Allegretto from Symphony No. 7 (trans. F. Liszt); Franz Liszt: Funérailles S. 173/7; Frédéric Chopin: Préludes op. 28 no. 23, 22, 18, 13, 10, 2; Alexander Scrjabin: Sonata no. 9 ‘Black Mass’; Ludwig van Beethoven: Variations op. 35, ‘Eroica Variations’.

Gadjiev's performance was enthusiastically celebrated by the press and audience and characterised as follows:
‘His approach to the repertoire is characterised by a continuous search for musical meaning, resulting in performances that combine virtuosity at the highest level with a remarkable depth of expression. Another of Gadjiev's strengths is his ability to master both the great classical repertoire and lesser-performed works with equal mastery. His interpretation of composers such as Chopin, Liszt or Scriabin is both tradition-conscious and innovative, offering a personal vision without ever losing sight of the core of the score.’ Read more here.

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